So here we are in a New Year…



A time when intentions can be set, paths forged and lives changed. As a time when so many people are putting thought and focus onto self-development, it is the perfect time to take a step towards that ourselves. 
I spent midnight Jan 1st sat under the stars with my partner, setting my intentions for the year ahead. An overview of what I came up with was: Let go of my control issues, step up into my greatest potential, Eat better, get a beautiful home and put loving intention into harvesting a more blissful relationship.

It’s a big thing to admit to ourselves… the places where we don’t give deeply to our highest purpose. Those deepest levels of self sabotage.

Something which really stood out to me when I postulate on what I want for next year is that really… it all comes down to one thing… “how can I be more MYSELF?” … this will naturally lead to my desires for less control issues and a more fulfilling relationship etc.

I know I am not alone in this so I have compiled a 5 point plan for simple things we can all apply daily in our lives to really become more ourselves.

1) Take Time
45250-Take-Some-Time-Out-This one is an old favorite of self-help gurus but it works. There is nothing like that horrible feeling of being rushed, stressed, compressed and contracted. It is a sense of Scarcity. The scarcity of time, money, energy etc. It affects our bodies, our minds, our hearts and emotions leaving little space to really DROP IN to who we actually are. So this year, take time every day (yes EVERY day) to Take Time. This can be a moment to just breathe deeply amongst chaos for a moment, return to yourself and your purest intentions before reacting/responding to the situation or it could be broader, a walk in nature, a massage, a bath, a moment alone with a book. The key is to allow space between moments for integration and process. This simple act will not only allow you to remind yourself of your highest desires in each moment but it will give your poor overworked body and mind a second to rest and catch itself. Adrenal Fatigue is just not worth it.

2) Say Yes
3f84003Have you ever seen the film Yes Man? It’s a story about a man who suddenly (after an interaction with a self-help guru) starts to say Yes to everything. The word begins to unravel, seemingly falling apart at times to always resolve in a synchronistic and powerful way. How often do you say “No”? To yourself? To others? This past year I have noticed myself saying “No” more and more, too often in fact. Take a moment each day to notice if you are saying No more than you are saying yes to life. For example that drawing you began but told yourself you were not good enough to finish.. or the invitation to spend some time with a friend instead of doing work… try saying yes to the world and I have a strong feeling the world will start saying Yes right back at you.

3) Face Fear
body_sweater_flip_crop (2)Some of the most powerful and beautiful experiences in my life have come from seeing my places of fear and deciding to face them. I stopped shaving my legs and wearing makeup as a teenager because I was afraid people would think I was ugly. I decided to travel overland from the UK to Australia on minimal to no funds because I was afraid that not flying and being “poor” would leave me trapped. I saw all my fears of losing myself, my strength and presence and becoming a timid and mindless housewife with no passion but I saw in that the story of fear so I embraced the journey of having a baby and dealt with my daily bombardments of self-judgement during the process and it left me with the most incredible daughter I could imagine… and guess what… I’m still one hell of a passionate woman.
So this year, take a moment each day to see what you are afraid of in those moments of emotional contraction. Question if this fear is serving you or holding you back, then take action towards growth.

4) Wake Up Well
iStock_000016121633XSmallHow we start our day affects our mindsets and emotions greatly. Remember the saying “She got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning!” Well.. what if we decided that whatever side of the bed we got out of was going to be right?
This year tray to make a practice of taking a deep breath before opening your eyes each morning, get an early night when possible and a lay in when you need it. Begin each day with a positive affirmation like “Today is a GREAT day” and see the effects on your mood as you stumble towards your coffee cup.

5) Choose Joy
joyThis is such a powerful one. We choose our path, every moment of it. By this I mean we choose how we respond to each moment as well as the act of being able to choose what we do/where we are (for those of us in a privileged position of western society we especially have this choice). With every action we take, we can choose if we want to choose the path of melodrama or mellow dharma. Basically do you want to choose struggle or joy? In relationships. In business. In public transport… the whole thing.
This year each day take a moment to question if you are choosing the path of Joy, if you are choosing something which leaves you feeling fulfilled, and passionate or if you are choosing a path which leads towards drama and pain for yourself. Then from this place, chose the path of joy, I am confident your life will soar.
Old man Rumi had a great thing to say on exactly this… in fact this will be my mantra for 2016:f1f088ce4501ea0e90b039252a5d537e (2)

I hope these 5 simple daily practices will make a more positive effect on your lives over the next 365 days and I too will be applying these techniques as much as I can muster. If you notice any differences in your life from this, or have your own simple practices to contribute then send a comment to this post.

Happy New Year!
Fleassy Malay